Entries by Sesen (34)



People are starting to wake up.  People are starting to see what is really going on in our world today.  But what I see is not an understanding of the big picture.  It's great that people are getting involved in issues that affect us such as Smart Meters, GMO's, Water Flouridation, etc.  But tackling these issues on an individual level will not get us anywhere in the long run.  All of these issues that are affecting us and our planet stem from something bigger, something that we need to see for what it really is.  After all of the research and hours studying and trying to uncover the truth this is what I feel needs to be done to make a difference.

Government is the problem.  It is the government that is allowing for all of these assults on mankind to take place.  The government is defacto to begin with.  If we stop FUNDING the government, eventually they will not have the means to carry on -

They will not have the funds to install cancer causing smart meters on homes around the globe.  They will not have the resources any longer to spray our skies day after day with harmful chemicals. They will not have the funds to dump mass amounts of flouride in your water, they will not be able to spend your hard earned tax dollars to defeat you.    

It is no secret by now that our planet is on a downward spiral - the earth and all of the people are suffering in some form or another due to these assults carried out by our own governments.  Most people have no idea that they are being controlled by their televisions (they are programming you).

If you have had enough and want to participate in this global awakening in order to see some change here are a few simple things that you can do.


1. Stop paying into the tax system - it is completely voluntary and unlawful - do some research- and if you are wondering how we will pay for schools and roads, wake up.  Schools are run by the governement anyways just to dumb down your child and prepare them for a life of servitude.  The tax you pay on gasoline is more than enough for road maintenance.

2. Grow your own food - Less of your hard earned dollars will end up in the hands of those that are trying to harm you.  You will get fresh air, excersise, and maybe you will finally look up and notice that our skies are being sprayed as well.

3. Stop buying items made in China - keep it local, stop funding these corporations that wish to destroy you and the planet.

4. Throw out your television set - they are programming you - they are putting so much garbage into your head that you don't even know what is up or down anymore.  The television was invented to control you, it is brainwashing, mindless garbage.

5. Never vote - you only have an illusion of choice - voting feeds this insane system and we are trying to stop feeding it.  If you feel the need to participate in the voting process, go and put a line through all choices and write that there are no "suitable choices", because there are not.

6. Learn how to keep yourself healthy and avoid flouridated water, toxic grocery store food, etc.

7. Do not let any "AUTHORITIVE" figure try to push you around.  There is only one law that you have to follow and that is DO NO HARM - anything after that is just statutes and regulations that do not have to apply to you if you DO NOT CONSENT.  Question everything they tell you to do, it is your right.  Do your research it is well worth it.

8.Take care of yourself.  Stop relying on Doctors and lawyers and dentists and nutritionists, etc.... There is a world of information out there like never before.  Why does everyone rely on someone else to take care of them?  Take care of yourself, very empowering. 

9.  Avoid VACCINATIONS at all costs - they are poison.  They are a means for population control.  Think about it.  INJECTING A MAN MADE WITCH BREW OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES INTO YOUR BODY VIA NEEDLE is absolute INSANITY.  They have brainwashed you into thinking that this is normal and that it is the reason Humanity is still around.  You are being lied to and used as a guinea pig for PROFIT.

10.  Check out MAX IGAN, BEN STEWART, DEAN CLIFFORD, ROBERT MENARD, they have such a wealth of knowledge and information to offer and will lead you to even more information.  And don't forget to SPREAD THE WORD.

I know the world will change around, it's just a matter of when?  Humanity got all caught up in living beyond their means without knowing the true consequences.  Hopefully sooner than later for I fear that we do not have a ton of time left.  It all BEGINS AND ENDS WITH YOU.  Please do your research, do your part and be part of the solution.  





Hello Everyone, we are back after two years of learning experiences here on the farm. we are back to teach what we have learned and share it with everyone that wants to learn what real life could be all about and not the illusion that we were exposed to since we were kids. 

On our mind tonite is GMO's!

This is where it all started and why our farming journey and food sovereignty came to.  We realized how hard it was to find real seeds that were not tampered with in some way.  We had to do our research and investigating to find open pollinated, organic seeds.  During that time our research led us further down the rabbit hole.  We started learning about Monsanto and their quest on how to destroy the worlds seeds and food supply and health of the people. Once we found the sources of the open pollinated and organic seeds we found out another seed adjective which was: Heirloom.

Heirloom is something that is past on, by the definition but what can a seed pass on to a plant? and then to the seed itself again!! well it's DNA the forever encoder and translator of energy. The Plants register in the DNA all of the conditions which it was subjected to during the growing season so when the Heirloom is begun you have the plant expose to all kinds of seasons and conditions and it  s all recorded in the DNA and that makes the plant stronger and stronger every year that is planted and also the collection of seed get more and more how can you go wrong?

Well you go terribly wrong when you buy GMO seeds because they turn off the reproductive gene and then you are dependent on them for your seeds supply.

Well it is time to plant your own garden of Heirloom seeds and to make sure that you give some fruits to your neighbours and spread the wealth that mother nature has to give to us, we don't have to reinvent the wheel, it's all there for us to tap into with just a little labour. We will soon put out our new product and it is our own designed Sesen survival seeds bank, stay tuned!


Riccardo & Maria 

FREE Man and Woman on the land that our creator has given to us to steward for the pursuit of happiness.



We had the honor of joining this years Meat Fest in Penticton.  The name really does say it all...it's basically many chefs, farmers and people in the restaurant industry getting together with meat on the mind.  Everyone brought a specialty meat dish and everyone got to vote on one as well.  I believe the dish that won was called Pig Face.  There were so many interesting combinations of everything there.  It was good to meat (lol) other farmers and people who are so into good wholesome food (I was the only person to dare to bring a vegetarian dish). The night went by very fast and before we knew it we were back on the road with our apples (we had not got around to emptying the back of our truck which is loaded with apples) Everyone that walked by got to eat one!

What we really need to do here is to update our website with our latest tomato varieties and what not but It really is a major task and at this time we are still clearing out the feild of all of the produce. 

Here at Sesen Farms we have at least 21 piglettes on the way, and at least 2 more goats on the way!  Our Duck just hatched out 17 eggs which is record and she is now living with them in the greenhouse to avoid all those duckling predators.  3 of our pigs are pregnant so we figure they must have at least 7 each but probably more, so if you are looking for a piglett....you know where to look!

Oh and there is an election coming up in Oliver here.  From what we have dealt with here so far in Oliver regarding our neighbor and his constant complaints and the RDOS along with the current regional district director all I have to say is that I urge you all to please vote for the new guy ( Many people have told me good things about him) .  He current RDD claims that he is for the farmer but in reality he is for the orchardist or the grape grower only the RDOS I feel is basically against the "Farmer".  None of the current bylaws are put in place to help the farmer, in fact they are against the farmer.  We are constantly bombarded with ridiculous rules that are lacking common sense and I would love to see a change. 

As for our strange neighbor who cannot mind his own business....he is still at it.  And I know it is going to get worse.  Just like last year, as soon as the sun disappears, I believe he is lacking in vitamin D or a healthy diet which makes his irrational mind and actions even worse.  Also to top off this guy just got promoted to a "Peace Officer" this guy is far from anything to do with "Peace" Oh well I do find it kind of funny in a way, ironic if you will.  Most people that I meet in this town give us their deepest sympathies when they find out who we live next door to, he is very well known.  I even met one guy at the farmers market who was dead set on exposing him.  According to his story our neighbour here followed him all the way home in his DOT vehicle at the time and threatened him in his own driveway for not pulling over.  This person telling the story said he did not pull over because he was not a cop and it was out of his jurisdiction as he was just driving a car.  Anyways really, I am not one to gossip but its just amazing how much goes around with a situation as intense as this one.

The farmers markets have basically come to an end and so has our beautiful summer.  There was a heavy amount of spraying this year, it makes me sick to see.  If you look up Geoengineering or project "Clover Leaf" on "You Tube" you will know what I am talking about.

What do we have to avoid most in life now that wasn't around 50 years ago?  Chem trails, GMO food and flouride in everything from your water to your toothpaste. 

Health is a huge passion for me in fact it is a way of life now and if I could give advice freely it would be this:

Drink apple cider vinegar in water once a day

Only use food grade Hydrogen Peroxide as mouth wash (it also whitens teeth naturally and is a great facial astringent)

Get as much Sunshine as possible (but do not burn)

Avoid Sunscreen or anything that you put on your skin make sure that you can eat it as well.

Omega 3's are soooo important (I suggest flax oil or flax seeds)

Coconut Oil is incredibly healthy for cooking, medicine, skin and hair

Drink lots of water

Sleep heals all

Aloe vera Plants are easy to look after and have so many benefits, I use them on my face, cuts, burns, very handy to have on hand.

Eat fruit everyday

Wine is healthy (in moderation)

Do not fear anything and doors will open for you

And lastly....grow something....ideally your own food for health and peace of mind.


Take care everyone...eat well and hopefully the winter will not seem as long as it did last year.  Cheers


Locals Supporting Locals

Very soon a calendar will come into circulation here in the Okanagan called Locals Supporting Locals.  It will feature many farmers from the area and it will hopefully help tie people together.  One thing that is for certain in the farming industry....we are all too busy farming to network.  We could all help each other though in many ways if we took the time, if we had the time, or if we knew that others were in the same boat.  What we could really do here for each other is to support each other.  If you want to take a look at his website I am pretty sure it can be found at ----   localssupportinglocals.com or else just google it and it should be easy to find.  We are creating a network of like minded people who can all support each other with the benefit being that everything you need is close to home.

Our two awesome dogs had a litter of 10 puppies together!  Luna is the mom and after she had 9 puppies we thought she was finished so we let her go outside for a bathroom break.  When she came back inside she had a puppy in her mouth!  They were Maremma Sheep Dog X Bernese/lab.  They were all so smart and adorable.  We found great farm homes for all of them (we were hoping that we would end up with one of the puppies but that didn't happen).

We are realizing that once again, we planted way too much!  This is our second year farming and I swear the third year is going to be the charm!  One thing that is for certain though, nothing ever goes to waste on a farm.  If we don't use it there is a list of animals to chose from here that will.  We have about a month left of farmers markets and then it is time to not sit back and plan for next year.

It's late and it has been a long day.  Our neighbor and friend passed away this week and I just want to say that we feel really good about re-homing his chickens.  He had come to us previously and he had asked us to take them.  Ray really did love his chickens, he loved them so much that he actually could not eat them.  He went to the grocery store to pick up chicken instead (who knows what he was eating there though).  Anyways, he is living on here at our farm and we cherish his birds just as he did.  He was a good man and very comical.  



Babies In Tens!!

Our darling Luna (she is a Maremma Sheep Dog) just had 10 gorgeous puppies!  She had 7 boys and 3 girls.  She is a purebread and the daddy is Diesel (He is a Bernadese Mountain Dog x Lab).  The puppies are soooo adorable, did I mention that?  We are selling them for $250 so if you are interested in a puppy come on down and take a look.

We also have 10 baby goats ( Kids) that we are bottle feeding 2x's a day - we picked them up yesterday in Vernon.  They are soooo cute and needy.

And we have 10 ducklings as well....

Those are all of the babies in 10 so far roaming around the farm.

We have been soooo busy as usual and so much has happened in the last month.  August is just flying by!  We have tons and tons of  Heirloom tomatoes for sale among so much more.

In closing I would like to say to everyone out there that likes to eat "Organic", your food can be organic but if it is hybridized food to start with than I feel it completely defeats the purpose.  The truth is that if your food was grown from a hybrid seed to start with than I don't care how well it was grown, the nutrition is already cut in half from not starting with the real thing to start with.

When you walk into the "Organic" section of the grocery store, do you really know where the seeds originated?  Are you eating "Organic" hybrid food?  Are you aware of the difference between Hybridized seed and Heirloom Organic Seed?

We need to take it a step further and demand that our food comes from the real deal.  Just "Organic" is not enough.

We also feel that way with our livestock as well.  We learned that there is a huge difference in Heritage breeds of chickens in comparison to the hybridized types.  Yet everyone wants the Hybrid chickens because they lay more often.  Well I have news for ya,,,,those eggs are not as nutritional....the same as with the seeds.

We all need to do our part to fix the damage and the deception that has been spread through all of us.