Our Neighbor, Our Ducks & More
Well things have finally become clear enough and the guessing has come to an end. There was a random person constantly complaining to the RDOS and costing us time and money. Turns out it is our neighbor, he is the one who has been stalking us, taking pictures and lying to the RDOS about our farming activites. He even went as far as to tell the RDOS that we were constructing a new building which was an outright lie. He has been hiding behind the privacy laws. I confronted him the other day and asked him and sure enough....anyways I don't have a lot to say about it here on the subject except thanks to everyone who has supported us and who has a decent way of seeing things. It's too bad the system is set up to allow a crazy person like this to use the law to his advantage and to try to cause harm to others. The only thing that is a little weird is the fact that we have to live next door to a creepy person who doesn't know how to mind his own business. One thing I do know for sure is that nobody likes a rat and people always get what they deserve... eventually.
On a lighter note, the farm is booming! We have babies everywhere and the most exciting event happened the other day! We build underground shelters for our new ducks! We have two shelters built into the side of our pond embankment. We have 40 ducks that we had in the brooder house for some time and we finally got to release them into the sunshine and into their new environment! It was so cute, they all went down and took a little dip in the pond and then they waddled back up for some food and to bask in the sunshine! At night they waddle into their shelters (20 in each) and we shut the door to keep them safe from predators. And i forgot to mention that the shelters will have green roofs! It's really worth seeing, people are driving by and noticing the bright yellow blob of baby ducks lying on the ponds side and stopping to see!
Tonight we start the planting of the field! Another big event in farming...it will be really nice to get all of the plants out of the greenhouse though, it's really hard to keep up with the watering. Cheers everyone
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