
Watching the babies grow

This weekend was another eventful weekend. Friday we started the planting of one thousand raspberry plants. we dug the holes the previous weekend and thought that was the longest part of the job. turns out that planting is just as long. We did it with the help of Dave and Roberto, they came up with a ingenious planting system right near the end of planting - if only we knew before what we know now!  Maria was in the greenhouse for the whole 3 days, we all worked 9 - 16 hour days.  She spent two days transplanting all the varieties of tomato plants (Germans, Heinz, Yellow Pear & Red Pears) and for the last day she planted thousands of squash, zucchini, watermelon, cantaloupe, beans, cucumber, etc.  And next weekend all the herbs will get separated and transplanted.  So if anyone is in need of any herbs or vegetable starter plants we do have an abundance so come on by the farm!

The best part about the farm lately has been our newest addition to the Manazza family and his name is Diesel!  Diesel is a 9 week old puppy & he is adorable, we just picked him up from a farm in Chiliwack - He is a lab cross Bernadese Mountain Dog - Perfect for the farm!  He loves to run around and chase the chickens, fall asleep in the holes that we dig & attack the plants.  He is a big help in the digging department though. 

Riccardo worked all weekend on the irrigation which is 75% completed.  This will help us out immensely because the previous weekend we were all out filling up barrels with water & driving them around in the back of the pick up truck watering everything by hand.  We were all soaked by the end & very exhausted.  

Good work to everyone who worked on the farm, many thanks!


The Berry Fields and Easter

What a weekend we just had, lots of fun at the farm and a lot of work too. We planted 100 blueberry plants and 50 thornless blackberries. The weather was really unpredictable as spring weather can be. We had it all sun, wind rain, cold and hot. Which meant opening and closing the greenhouse several times and putting on layers of clothing and taking them off few seconds later. The family was over for the biggest Easter dinner ever. Lots of Chocolate eggs were consumed. We ate so much chocolate that Maria got chocolated out which is hard to do. Overall it was a busy weekend digging all the holes for the plants and very productive. One last thing to say we discovered garlic growing on a lost patch in our garden. it s now protected by a brick wall. Garlic is like gold so we have found it.  


Planting Begins

Second day of planting was done this time we planted peas and tomatoes and peppers that accordingly to the calendar they fall under the fruit plants category. We have expanded our orchard with 17 new fruit trees including: Spartan apples Fuji apples and lapin and sweetheart cherries.

We have purchased 100 Grand fir trees which are going to provide many pros for the farm such as wind break for the field, erosion control for our soil, improve our carbon foot print and provide habitat for the many birds on our farm.



Farm gearing up for the Spring

Welcoming spring of 2010, Sesen farm and seeds its well on its way. We have completed our first green house and we have planted herbs and leafy greens according to our biodynamic calendar. From past experiences following the moon cycles thru the constellation has proven to yield healthier and faster growing plants which in turn means better quality of vegetables and seeds.

The chickens have started to lay their first eggs, which means longer and warmer days are ahead.

On the farm it seems that spring is going to show up a little early with all the cherries starting to flower.  



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