
Seedless Items

We have almost cut out the grocery store!  Between what we produce here and what we can trade with our neighbors the goal is coming alive!  Today though I was squeezing some lemons that my mother in law had left in our fridge when she came for a visit and I realized something....

Everything is going seedless...why???  Even if you wanted to try to collect seed from something you purchased at the grocery store from your hybridized food you could not.  Even if you wanted to see the natural seed that that food should contain, they take it away from you.  I find this really strange and so unnatural.  When I was a little girl I used to constantly collect the seeds from all sort of foods that we had purchased in hopes of growing something myself, and now it is impossible.  It is becoming a seedless world and the only seeds that will be available (if we do not all do our part to save and collect seed now) will be hybridized junk that will not germinate.

On another note, I have officially found a home for every kitten, and the mama cat that was dropped off on our street by the anonymous lady.  She could have done it herself I suppose, but I guess it was just easier to leave her at the end of our street.

Thank you to everyone that provided a home to all of those cute kitties!

Spring and summer weather is finally here and things are in full swing.  Our salad greens are selling fast and farmers markets start soon, busy, busy!  


Love Life

New beginnings, bee's are flying, cherries are blooming and there are babies everywhere!  Our new additions include:  Baby bunnies, kittens, pigeons, lambs (even a set of twins), and baby chicks. We are expecting still a baby Llama, baby goats, ducks and here is very exciting! 

In the greenhouse there is more life!  We have baby spinach, kale, swiss chard, radishes and salad greens.  We have been eating salad everyday for about a week now and it feels energizing.  We had been avoiding the grocery stores so we literally haven't had a salad since last summer.

Our eggs are becoming more and more amazing...the chickens are eating more grass and the yolks are getting oranger by the day!  The pigs are eating grass and worms and the cows are enjoying the salad bar that the field has to offer. 

It feels so good to see the sun again and to see things waking up and coming to life!  Here at Sesen Farms we Love Life!


Spring in full swing!

We can feel it, spring is here!  I love the feeling of the first bit of color you get on your face - the sun has arrived!  We are busy, busy, busy!  Maria is in the greenhouse everytime the baby goes down for a nap to plant all of our seeds and fill all of our seed orders.  Matteo is loving the outside world and it's finally warm enough for him to get outside and see all of the animals.  He is 8 months old now, time does fly as they say.  Riccardo is busy working on animal shelters, hatching chicks, basically managing the whole farm.  We put the pigs out in our planting area this year and we are hoping they will till the whole field for us so we don't have to....that would be nice.  

We decided to keep the kitty that was dropped off here at the end of our street, her name seems to be Princess.  She had 6 adorable kittens, 3 grey and 3 black and it turns out finding homes for them was a breeze, they are all spoken for except one which I am sure will go to a good home as well.  Thank you everyone who decided to adopt a kitten. 

Hopefully the RDOS will leave us alone now that we removed the trailer and our farm help and removed the skirting from the other one & etc....we are pretty sure we know who the complainant is considering we just found out that only a neighbor is allowed to complain about the 'untidy unsightly' bylaw.  Our neighbors across the street here were complained on as well and there is only 3 of us at the end of this street and if it wasn't him and it wasn't us that only leaves one other person.  

Things are happening and people are coming down...things are good and it's nice to be outside finally!


Drama Continued....

Well I am not sure if you read our link posted at the end of January but a long story short, someone in our neighborhood is constantly complaining on us to various government agencies in hopes of catching us on infractions to basically stop us from farming in his neighborhood.  

Anyways we requested to see our file from the RDOS under the freedom of information act.  And to anyone who is being harassed as we are, you do have the right to obtain your files & I suggest you do so.

We have now read the file and find out that it is worse than we have ever imagined.  The complainant has contacted the Police on "noise complaints" (we had an excavator for a day or so working here), he has complained to health canada for no good reason, he has written numerous letter to the RDOS with outward lies about us and our property.  The complainant is basically "stocking" us and it is very creepy.  He has written letters, he has taken pictures, he is taking it upon himself to "investigate" us.

I cannot believe that a random neighbor would take it upon himself to watch us on a daily basis and report back to various government agencies on his own time.  He must have a screw loose.  Why wouldn't he come talk to us personally?  

We have an open door policy and we are very reasonable people.  This complainant told the RDOS that we had constructed an outbuilding recently (we have not), this complainant told the RDOS that we have "derelict" vehicles on our property (we own vehicles, none are derelict), this complainant has taken pictures of our chicken coop on wheels and complained about it.  This person is insane.

And to top it off, in our file we find out that the RDOS even checked out our website here and copied this blog for any further evidence.  

I have to say that we live in a pretty insane world where if a person feels like causing trouble all he has to do is exactly what this person is doing.  The RDOS really catered to his needs and not to ours.  The RDOS treated him with respect and answered all of his emails and questions in a timely manner - to us we got the run around constantly and most were very rude to us. 

This person is stocking us, telling outward lies about us and trying to stop us from farming.

We have the "Right to Farm"...



Update on the Abandoned Pregnant Kitty

Well it turns out that our neighbor saw a lady in a black SUV drop the pregnant kitty off at the end of our street & then take off.  I guess she just didn't want to deal with the kittens so she figured the best thing to do would be to drop her off in the freezing cold & let her fend for herself.  The lady probably told herself that every kitten and the cat would survive and that is how she sleeps at night.  We took the kitty in and she is due any time now.  We have no idea what we are going to do with all of the kittens but I can't just drop them off somewhere like this lady did.  If anyone wants a free kitten please come on down & get one, we really need to find homes for them because we cannot afford to fix all of these cats & they will for sure keep reproducing if we don't.  And to the lady in the black are a poor excuse for a human & I hope that you do not own any other animals or never do not deserve to own any type of animal.