

So often we look into the sky here in Oliver and we know that what we are seeing is not even close to normal.  We are not looking at normal cloud activity but a murky haze that is the result of Geo Engineering. The summers are different, and if you think I am crazy (or not), please watch this explains it a lot better than I can.  And if there is anything that you can think of to help stop this silent war, I urge you to do it.  Our health is in the hands of evil and this is not right.

If you cannot access this link then please copy and paste it to your browser or go to YOUTUBE.COM and type in: WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THEY SPRAYING?

Please watch this to the end and I welcome ALL feedback.



Farm Life

Well we have had some bad luck lately and some good.  We developed a unique tomato trellist system involving A frames to prop up our 500+ tomato plants.  Bad news is that we did not peg the ends in time and with the very very high winds the other night the whole things collapsed.  3 of us were out there until just after midnight trying to salvage what was left.  Good news is that Tomatoes are so resilient that even the very damaged ones are coming back, I think we just set them back a week - production wise.

We took a trip out somewhere near greenwood a couple of days ago and picked up a Boer!  We have 3 sows and now a Boer, so I am guessing pigletts should be arriving sometime in the future....pigs are funny, they take 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days of gestation.

We are becoming more and more self sufficient the longer that we are here.  We now make our own Mustard, Ketchup, Hot Sauce, Mayo, Jam, Tomato Sauce and much more!  We recently purchased a grain mill to able us to mill our own oats and flour - and what a huge difference it makes!  I have no idea what they do to the flour that you buy in a grocery store, but I do know that it is not a good thing.  The taste and the quality are completely different.  And the preservatives they must add is insane.  Milling your own flour and making fresh bread....doesn't get much better than that.  I started researching and we found out that the oats and flour once milled starts Oxidizing after 2 hours.  We are really interested in getting into the grain business as well because to take it a step further, it would be amazing to grow our own grains to mill.

We had an interview the other day with the Penticton Herald and there will be an article out about the farm on the 15th of July - I am curious to see how it goes, she just came here and interviewed us and we shall read all about it soon.

There is sooooo much more to write about but time is not on my side, I have to go dig up our Garlic (or what is left of it - the chickens got into it) and pick Basil and Parsley to preserve for the winter.  I need to go plant our 3 flowering pears my Aunt brought over to us and package 3 days worth of eggs as well as add some Alpaca poo to my raised garden bed and plant a couple of egg plants in there.  Cheers


Baby Willow and a few thoughts....

Nature is amazing!  We have a large black Llama named Nira and when we bought her we were told that she could possibly be pregnant.  We were expecting her to have her baby anytime now between june and August.  The other day we glanced out at our pasture and there was a little Llama!  She was born without us even noticing and she is doing great!  We named her Willow....she is very sweet and all black just like mamma.

The mosquito's are particularily bad this year, I have been putting tadpoles as a biological control in any sitting body of water that I come across.  The tadpoles eat the larvae and then they turn into beautiful frogs!

We have a school coming down for a field trip on Monday to tour the farm, this will be our first large tour - should be fun.

Next babies to arrive on the farm are: Manx kittens, ducklings, rabbits and possibly puppies!

We plan on picking up a Boer soon as well so we can start having piglets as pigs are soooo cute.

The farm is alot of fun and we are getting alot of positive feedback.  All the animals are happy and all of our plants are doing really well.  Next year we will launch the CSA box program and we plan on setting up another Greenhouse which we are in great need of.

What I have learned in the last year of becoming a full fledge farmer straight from the city is this:

Farming is so rewarding but there is not alot of support as far as the government is concerned.  It is portrayed through people and the media that small farms are needed and fully supported but once you are doing it and really getting into it you will see that it is not what it appears to be.  What I see for the future of farming is the large corporations winning. So much is against you if you are trying to make a living from farming alone.  Most of our food supply already comes from oversea's or major companies and most of our food supply is not local, fresh or really healthy.  If people do not start really doing their part and demanding local food from farms then farming is going to become obsolete.  The land is being bought up by corporations.  Many farmers are retiring and the younger generation does not have an interest in taking over.  It is very hard to find afordable land.  More farmers are retiring than starting up.  If I could do it over I would still farm but the way we went about starting up would be completely different.  

Food is so important.  Food is our medicine and food is our well being.  There would not be a demand nor a need for prescription medication if everyone started off right by eating right.  Be careful on what you put into your body, there are so many additives and toxic substances in so many of the food items that are available today.  I have a rule which used to be the norm back in the day.  If man made not consume it.  In other words do not buy anything in a box or a can.  Even eating as fresh as possible is scary with all the erradiation and preserving of our fruits and veggies.  Pretty much everything is picked green or unripe and allowed to ripen on store shelves or in a truck.  Food is meant to be sun ripened, that is how to obtain the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins.  And eating food that is grown in your climate is meant to protect and heal your body from anything that goes on in your climate.  Eating a Banana from Mexico is really healthy to eat if you live in Mexico.  

Our goal is to keep our land healthy and beautiful.  Treat all of our animals with respect and to only deal with Non Hybrid, Organic Seed because that is where health starts.  Health starts with the seed.  All this hybrid stuff is not nearly as nutritious or natural and it is depleting our world seed supply.  

Please everyone, collect seed.  Plant a garden. Treat food as medicine and not a filler.  Stay away from the grocery store as much as possible and support small local farms in your area.  


Our Neighbor, Our Ducks & More

Well things have finally become clear enough and the guessing has come to an end.  There was a random person constantly complaining to the RDOS and costing us time and money.  Turns out it is our neighbor, he is the one who has been stalking us, taking pictures and lying to the RDOS about our farming activites. He even went as far as to tell the RDOS that we were constructing a new building which was an outright lie.  He has been hiding behind the privacy laws.  I confronted him the other day and asked him and sure enough....anyways I don't have a lot to say about it here on the subject except thanks to everyone who has supported us and who has a decent way of seeing things.  It's too bad the system is set up to allow a crazy person like this to use the law to his advantage and to try to cause harm to others.  The only thing that is a little weird is the fact that we have to live next door to a creepy person who doesn't know how to mind his own business. One thing  I do know for sure is that nobody likes a rat and people always get what they deserve... eventually.

On a lighter note, the farm is booming!  We have babies everywhere and the most exciting event happened the other day!  We build underground shelters for our new ducks!  We have two shelters built into the side of our pond embankment.  We have 40 ducks that we had in the brooder house for some time and we finally got to release them into the sunshine and into their new environment!  It was so cute, they all went down and took a little dip in the pond and then they waddled back up for some food and to bask in the sunshine!  At night they waddle into their shelters (20 in each) and we shut the door to keep them safe from predators.  And i forgot to mention that the shelters will have green roofs!  It's really worth seeing, people are driving by and noticing the bright yellow blob of baby ducks lying on the ponds side and stopping to see!

Tonight we start the planting of the field!  Another big event in will be really nice to get all of the plants out of the greenhouse though, it's really hard to keep up with the watering.  Cheers everyone 




Here is a blog to check out!  She is local and I think she is on to something!

We all need to do our part to keep this world healthy and on the right track.

Non Hybrid Seeds = real food = nutrition = smarter / healthier people / happier people = a better world....

Love life!

If the link doesn't work just copy and paste it to your browser, cheers everyone!