Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
Today is Turkey Day!! We celebrated last night & we will celebrate again tonight. We cooked fresh Turkey from our farm & it was fabulous. The days are getting very short & the nights are very cool, we think it may freeze soon. We are busy running around the farm trying to get everything winterized from the irrigation to sheltering all of the animals. Our feild is still full of veggies & fruits that have not yet been collected as we are short handed due to baby Matteo (who would ever guess how much work a baby actually is)! With all that we pick we also are collecting the seeds to put aside and sort & store in the winter months. And when we are finished with the field we are letting our Big Pig root through the rest. Sesen Farms is located right beside a major river here in the Okanagan & we are also witnessing the largest salmon run ever recorded. As we walk along the river we can see many fish in the side pools and they are a crimson color - a very beautiful sight. There have been many bear and coyote sightings because of the salmon run as well. On a comical note, there have been many sightings of people stopping their cars or bikes on road 9 which runs right by the farm to take pictures of our Egg Mobile. Many many people stop to photograph our van (which serves as a mobile chicken coop). Now that we have had the Egg Mobile for quite some time, we have to say it is amazing. First of all we did not have to build a chicken coop which really saved time & second of all the chickens really seem to like it & it is easy to move from place to place. We may be in the market for another camperized van soon so we can double our egg layiing flock. The busy busy days are winding down & soon it will be winter - stay warm & enjoy, and once again Happy Thanksgiving!
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