Planting Time & More
Planting time is just around the corner. We are taking time right now to prepare the greenhouse - which is full of chickens & turkeys at the moment for planting our cool season crops. I can't wait to eat a salad again! We have been living off our preserves from last year and we haven't had to go to the grocery store in a long time which means no salad or anything out of season. We just bought 6 pigs at the auction in Langley to help till our field and help prepare it for planting season as well. Were really excited about our seed supply as well and we have plenty of new seeds to add to the website, it's just a matter of finding the time to do so - so if you have any seeds in mind that you do not see on our website feel free to contact us and ask before assuming that we do not have them. Egg sales have picked up and were really excited to use our incubator soon. We will be selling baby chicks as well as feed to go along with them! Right now our flock is producing about 4 dozen eggs a day & we plan to double it by spring! The grass is finally growing & the chickens are getting plenty of worms & bugs to eat which are making the omega 3 content of the eggs higher & brighter orange. What we love about farming is that there is always something to do and no matter what it is it is always a benefit to an animal, the earth or to ourselves, family and friends. Take care everyone and remember if you are looking for seeds, eggs, starter plants, or more, come on down to Sesen Farms!
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