Here come the Holidays!
Monday, December 6, 2010 at 09:43PM
I can't believe it is December already! We had some really cold day's recently the coldest I have ever felt. It got to minus 28F...brrrrrr. I just posted an ad on Craigslist & a few other sites to let everyone know that we now have Eggs, Seeds, live Roosters & Chickens & Turkeys, and custom starter plants for sale as well. Just let us know how many plants and of what type you would like & we will start them in our greenhouse for you to grab when the planting season begins! The farm is pretty quiet these days, we are just waiting for our Llama to give birth so we can get her set up in the barn with the new baby of the farm! Please call or email us if you have any questions about anything & enjoy the month of December!
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