New Beginings
We have dived into all aspects of Farming now. We recently visited an animal auction in Vernon BC and we came home with more than we bargained for. We ended up buying 2 goats & 2 sheep (which was expected) and one Alpaca (which was not expected) but he was going for $7.50 and nobody seemed to want him so we just said yes. And now Sesen Farms will also be offering Alpaca wool. After purchasing these animals it set off a chain reaction - we had to get the Alpaca a friend so we sought out and bought another Llama along with 2 more Ewes & 1 more goat. We cleaned out the old barn that was on the property and let the animals into the heavy weeds in the barn yard. They literally cleared out all the weeds in a 2000 square foot area in less than 2 days, so we are now working on a movable shelter to pull around the pasture so the animals can roam & eat all the weeds in the field. We purchased an old camperized van today that we plan to turn into an "Egg Mobile", I know it sounds crazy but it's going to be amazing & a new definition of "Free Range Eggs" will be set. We just received 125 baby chicks in the mail on Friday - and they are doing really well, we only lost 4 birds so far (3 during shipping & 1 freak accident). Today we bought a Maremma Sheep Dog to protect the heard, her name is Luna (which means Moon in Italian). She is the cutest, fuzziest was hard for us to put her into her new home but the lady who sold her to us told us that she would be out of place if we let her stay indoors since she has been outside from day one. She is our new farm dog. We have attended 3 farmers markets now and they have all gone really well. We are selling our Lettuce to a few local grocery stores & to a few local restaurants as well as the farmers market. All our plants in the field are going well and the weeds are out of control, if anyone feels like coming by to weed for a head or two or even three of Lettuce come on by!!