Calabrese Organic ($3.50) - 70-80 days, Old heirloom variety with good cold resistance. Products numerous side shoots. Recommended only for fall crops. Organically grown seed.
Sorrento ($3.50) – 35 days, Sorrento is an early maturing, top quality raab for the specialty market grower. Florets are larger and mature earlier and more uniformly than traditional “spring” or 60 day raabs for higher yields and lower harvest costs. Excellent for growing in cold frames or under fleece.
Broccoli is considered the super vegetable. It is high in Vitamin A & C, a good source of B vitamins, Phosphorus and potassium. Broccoli can be eaten raw with a dip, stir fried, cooked or frozen for later use.
(Tip) Broccoli: Broccoli is easy to grow. For early crops, start indoors 4-6 weeks before planting out. Transplant when soil is 50F or higher. Cold weather will cause premature flowers. For late crop, seed in June/July. Soil- Broccoli will tolerate a broad range of soils but prefers a sandy loam. PH 6.5-7. Fertility – Ensure adequate levels of nitrogen for proper bud formation. Excessive fertilizing will cause hollow stems. Keep regular watering schedule so plants do not wilt in heat. Broccoli likes wet leaves. Germination – Sow in plugs at 70F for 7 days, or outdoors in warm soil. Spacing – Transplant or thin seedlings out to 40 – 45cm / 16-18”. Harvest just before the beads on the head break into flower, hot temperatures will accelerate this so check often.