Langediijker Late Red ($3.50) -110 days popular European open pollinated variety. Heads are 15cm / 5-6” oval round with a good red color. Tasty.
Popular fall and winter vegetable native to the Mediterranean region, is a staple vegetable in most countries, good source of vitamin C, glutamine and amino acids.
(Tip) Cabbage: Sow early varieties in succession from early spring (indoors) to mid summer for continual harvest or fresh cabbage. For fall produce sow outdoors in early summer. Soil- Cabbage will tolerate a broad range of soil but prefers a sandy loam. PH 6.5-7. Fertility- Ensure adequate levels of nitrogen. Keep a regular watering schedule so plants do not wilt in heat. Germination- Sow in plugs at 70F for 7 days or direct seed outdoors in warm soil. Spacing- Transplant or thin seedlings out to 30-45cm/12-18” for small head varieties; 45-75cm/18-30” for large head varieties. Pests- Flea beetles attack young seedlings and strip the leaves – control with Rotenone or Diatomaceous Earth. Cabbage worms attack as plants get older and invade buds – control with Ambush and BT